
Vending Machines New York

When most people think of snacks, they typically think of something far from healthy. But Healthy Vending offers a wide variety of healthier snack choices to satisfy any palate. Our fresh, brand-name products include energy and granola bars, fruit leather and bars, baked chips and fries, and many other nutritionally sensitive items.

All snacks are vended with state-of-the-art, modern vending machines. These include such features as infrared technologies to ensure that paid-for products are vended or the customer immediately gets their money back. Though our machines are advanced and feature filled, we provide and install them free of charge.

Healthy Vending - The choice for today's healthier lifestyles. Contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation.
Call 917-572-3671 or e-mail

healthy girl
Luna Bar
Boulder canyon Rice / Bean Chips
Clif Kid Organic Z Bars
Corazonas Tortilla Chips
Del Monte Fruits
Boom Choco Boom Bars
Enviro Kids Organic Crispy Rice Bar
FruitaBu Organic Smoooshed Fruits
Soy Crispy
Happie Crispy
Kashi Protein Bars
Lara Bars
Annie's Bunny Grahams
Nature's Path Organic Gronala Bars
Organic Sky Blue Beer
Snikiddy Baked Fries
Stretch Island Fruit Leather